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Pool and Popping
is my passion

♥ Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I just realised, i haven't been blogging.
Great. Awesome-ness.
Yesterday went out, blah blah.
Eat - bathe - change - out - motor - Je mrt - wait - vivo - nachos - movie - after shock - mei almost vomitted - clark quay - sticky-s - kopitiam - dinner - xiao wan mian - mrt - Je mrt - mummy - home , and there you will go again , eat shit sleep , eat shit sleep eat shit sleep eat shit sleep .
I'm awesome babe.
Days wasn't really good.
I don't know how to discribe.
Neither do i want to.
Life sucks.
I haven't been happy.
For a moment i thought.
Life isn't awesome, unless you make it. Bitch. -.-

Turtle; YT
@ 2:15 AM

♥ Tuesday, May 11, 2010
SS paper,
Kind of screwed my paper i should say.
Plus, i don't even know whether if i did phased it correctly.
anyway, since its over then, i couldn't care less.
tomorrow will be having chemistry and A maths paper,
chem might still cope and able to pass, but then,
fuck it about that A maths paper man, gotta feeling that
it'll be so fucking screwed tomorrow,
i wonder, what would tuition teacher go through with me today
if we were done about that, would my paper still be screwed?
god damn it.
Sometimes i could just wonder, what would your worst nightmare be?
Tomorrow's paper?
Man screw it, dwag.

Turtle; YT
@ 2:55 AM

♥ Thursday, April 29, 2010
Fuck it.
Zzz , went to check my results just now,
told mummy that calvin scored better then me by just 1 fucking mark.
then she said
"see people got go back study one"
then i was like eh come on la , i no study is it?
fucking sia.
chem got like 95? didnt borther to tell mummy because
she will say nothing good
as always expected, give it up man.
fuck it, fuck my life
why am i even working hard
at last i still dont get your understanding and support

Turtle; YT
@ 5:55 AM

♥ Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Zzz fuck it.

she seriously sounds like a sex machine to me man, 8 guys fucked her when she's at a age of 15? or even younger then that when she had her first sex? shouldn't this girl go under counseling or something? and look man, she doesn't even look really that pretty looking, in fact, that guy would even fuck her? i don't know if this guy is blind or what man. seriously, how fucking old are you? 13? man you look like 10? -_-

Turtle; YT
@ 1:00 AM

♥ Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hey girl,
Been seeing you kind of, upset face.
Yet I don't know what to do to help you,
I've been looking at you,
Your face told me that you're upset and you don't know what to do.
So, today after school, I asked you,
Hey you okay this few days?
You told me you don't know ( as expected though )
Actually from guessing, i already know what's borther-ing you this few days.
I asked, and I was right.
You told me, alot of things.
Yet I don't know what i can do to help you.
You cried,
To tell you the truth, when your tears dropped, I was speechless.
I thought of ways to make you laugh.
And yeah, you did, for a second.
Well it's better then nothing.
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , don't get upset over things that is happening now, today i didn't have time to continue with things, cause you have to go for your training, so i'll just post it here for you to see. I know you don't like how things is it now. But, what can I say. You see, like you said, things are all unfair, so why let this unfairness upset you? Since it's unfair, just get over it, i know saying is easy, while doing is hard, but well, just try, if you don't try, you don't know. (: I hope to see the girl i once knew years ago, the one cheerful with that beautiful smile alright (: ! If there's anything that I could do or help or even being your listening ear, feel free to sms or call me i'll be free (: ! ( Even if I've meeting with the president, i'll push that meeting away and be your listening ear. ) Okay this was met to make you say " Wow ! O: " Cause I know very well what's your answer, :D ! So girl ! Cheer up. Loves from me :D <3

Turtle; YT
@ 12:40 AM

♥ Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Alright, so lets get with it.
Tmr have english oral, suddenly thought of that.
Last week had chinese oral.
Yeah so basically im screwed for that chinese oral.
cause , i've been speaking english?
all along?
Kindda getting worried bout mid year exams,
once again
i'm basically screwed too.
Been failing my A maths.
Should i drop?
wondering though.
Kindda getting sick man.
Talked to calvin on the phone just now,
was playing Ray City.
Kind of stuck with it now.
*eh _ _ _ _ _, you want, you come right at me lah hor, you only know kpkb? indirectly aiming me then say lah, kp. you want then you come. you mai stand there then use your fucking authority and come play with me lah hor, come settle outside you dare anot? don't then diam lah hor, getting married already still dont know think is it, still need me teach you? you know how zuo ren anot? never watch that show is it? too poor to afford tickets? come'on. How old are you already? still don't know think? Made errors repeatedly, non-stop. Still want complain, eh your skin thick until where? Come'on lah, zi dong yi dian leh. Wake up your idea please. -_-

Turtle; YT
@ 6:33 AM

♥ Friday, April 9, 2010
Does this make some sense?
If you argue with him, you're hard-headed. If you're quiet, you don't care.
If you call him, you're too clingy crazy. If he calls you, he says you should be happy.
If you don't love him, he'll try to win you. When you do love him, he leaves.
If you don't fuck him, you're a tease. If you do, you're easy.
You tell him your problems, he says you're irritating. If you don't, he says you don't trust him.
If you lecture him, you just want to argue. If he lectures you, it's because he 'cares'.
If you break a promise, he doesn't trust you anymore. If he breaks it, it's because he had to.
If you cheat, he expects it to be over. If he cheats, he wants another chance.
They're basically the same.
Guys drink to forget about girls; girls drink to think back about the guy.
When guys are in love they become poor; when girls are in love they become pretty.
Guys can forget, but can't forgive; girls can forgive but can't forget.
When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl.
When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics in another guy.Guys wish to be her first love, girls wish to be his last.
(extracted from Judith's and Deborah's blog)

Turtle; YT
@ 2:50 AM

My Life
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The Loner

I'm known as; Y.T. Turtle (:
You can call me Y.T. or Turtle
24/01/95, Practically yeah; 15 this year.
Currently studying in YHPS HYSS
In class 3N2, I'm fuckingly proud of that.
Pool and Popping is my passion
I gotta ass good friend called Calvin ; Binny
I've someone always say to me this " Trying to act cute with me is it? " Sister called Shi Ting

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